Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Yoga Rant

Okay, let me preface my rant with the statement that I am an old mom.  I had my first (yes, first) child at age 36 and my third child at age 40.  I am 42 now, they are 5, 4, and 1.  

Most of the time, I feel like I am 80 (see previous paragraph for why).

That being said, I try very hard not to let my children lose out because mommy and daddy are old fogeys.  I take my kids for walks, take them to the park, let them “practice” the piano, and get into tickle fights and giggle storms with them.  And because my life just wasn’t stressful enough, I have taken on the task of homeschooling my oldest little darling—an exercise not for the faint of heart.  Since I have a couple of collegiate degrees under my belt, I felt I should be able to handle the kindergarten curriculum without too much trouble and that I might even be able to teach it.   

Even so, sometimes, I just can’t help being old.  Or at least feeling it.

Take today for example, I took my daughter to the library to let her check out some books and to play in the wonderfully stocked kids area.  (In case you were wondering about my other two hoodlums, they were in preschool at our church.)  It was a nice break from the home classroom, and reminded me that there is, indeed, life beyond math facts and phonic rules.  

Things were going well until we were checking out.  Across the foyer from the circulation desk at our library is a large open multi-purpose room.  Today, the purpose was to host the “Mommy and Me Yoga” class.  I had seen the signs for this class before but never gave it more than a passing thought.  It said Mommy-and-Me Yoga, not Mommy-and-Me-and-Me-and-Me.  I just couldn’t comprehend how I could make it work with three preschoolers.  Yoga, as I have practiced and understand it, is supposed to be about being calm and peaceful, focusing on your essentials of being like breathing and muscle control.  There is nothing calm about my three kids, and there is no peace for me when they are all awake in the same room.

But still, as we were waiting patiently in line, we couldn’t help but notice all the activity across the way from the gaggle of tots and moms laughing and packing up to go home.  My daughter asked what all of the kids were doing in the other room.  I pretended not to know.  I didn’t want her asking why her mommy didn’t take her to such an exciting activity.  But I couldn’t avoid the conversation altogether.  The moms were rolling up yoga mats, zipping up stylish hoodies, and slipping on colorful sneakers, all the while smiling and chatting with each other and their children.  They seemed like a happy lot.  

I am not normally one to play the competition game with any other mom.  I firmly believe we all have different cards to play, and each and every one of us has been given a different set of struggles to work through.  I don’t envy anyone else’s life or think I have it that much better (or worse) than the next mom.  But, I realized
something as I sat in my minivan (yeah, minivan.  I used to be cool…stress the “used to” part), those moms in their yoga pants, ponytails and big smiles were almost young enough to be my kids.  And that’s when it hit me:  I am just too old to be at peace with community yoga.  In another life or in a different decade of life, maybe.  But right now, I don’t think I could find the mental peace to even pretend I would enjoy it.  I am just not there anymore.  And, after shaking my head at myself for the comparisons (the negative ones aimed at me), I decided I am okay with this.  I’ve been dealt a different hand to play, and I need to stop trying to peek at someone else’s.

So I did what any 40-something homeschooling mom of a kindergartener would do, I looked at my daughter and asked, “Hey, do you wanna go to Panera Bread to finish your lessons and get some lunch?”

Without blinking her eye, she said “Oh, yes, mommy!”  Mommy’s age crisis over…at for the moment.

Give Me

Give me your ear to hear,
Give me a shoulder to cry on,
Don’t tell me that it will be better
Don’t say you understand
Just be there.

Don’t say I told you so.
Don’t tell me what I did wrong.

I feel bad enough.
Leave me some dignity.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Changing Diet

I have discovered that I have a few food allergies.
Now this has been hard because before I ate whatever I wanted.
Not that I didn't experience a bit of stomach trouble but
is that what happens when you eat spicy food.

It is for my own good that I change my diet, shy do I resist?
Is making a change so hard that I can not accomplish this small task?
Maybe I just don't have the energy. Change takes work.
I feel stretched so thin that I can't take on anything else or so I htink

Do you know how many times you must do a new thing to replace an old one?
It takes a while to change. Guess I am like most and want it to happen over night.
Little wonder I have no motivation when it includes giving up bread and chocolate.
I am not exactly a chochaulic but when I have a chocolate attack, nothing but the
real stuff will suffice.

So I am going to give it a try and see what happens.
Wish me luck.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Savor Each Moment

        Savor Each Moment

First cup of coffee in the morning is the best.

A cool shower after being in the heat invigorates.

Watching the sunset brings peace.

Take a sniff of fresh washed linens.

Enjoy one spoon at a time of a luscious dessert.

Smile, it gives your face something to do.

Music calms the ravaged soul.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Step Out in Faith

Step out if Faith

Even a small change can make a big difference.

My neighbor had a heart attack.

Each day you could see him out walking.

        He never complained that it was too hot, he walked early                                                                    
in the morning on those day.

        He never complained of the cold, He layered and walked.

I don't remember him walking in the rain but truth be told,

         I didn't get out in the rain.

What I learned is that the doctor told him to walk to prevent

another heart attack.

He took the doctors words to heart and did as he was told hoping

that by walking he could improve his quality of life.

Last I saw of him, he was still walking.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Flowers or Candy

Flowers or Candy
Valentine’s just passed and Easter.
What do you get someone to show you care?
Personally, I am allergic to flowers.

I LOVE them but the real things make me sneeze and my eyes water.
Synthetic ones are not much better as the chemicals and the collected
dust illicit the same response.
So how about candy?

Glad you asked. I am allergic to chocolate.
Do you know what percentage of candy is chocolate?
Just the smell of chocolate sends my heart racing, in a good way.

However, now I must forgo the delicious treat.
That leaves some in a quandary as to what to give me.
Let me help. First get to know me: know my likes and dislikes.
If all else fails, spend some time with me.

Conversation with a grownup is stimulating. (I taught elementary.)

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Every Time

Every time we leave things unresolved, we leave a piece of us lying around.

Remember the Greeks said a sound mind in a sound body., but don’t forget spirit.

You must revitalize the areas of your life that are deficient to fully reclaim the person you can be.                                                                                                                            

You need a curve in the road to see how far you have come.                                  

If where you are, there is nothing for you to do; then it’s not a good place that you are in.

If there is nothing for you to do, it’s not a good place to be

You made a change